This Chevrolet Belair with registration 524YUG was manufactured on Tuesday 31st December 1957 so it is currently 67 years old. Its colour is Yellow and it has a 4.6 litre Petrol engine.
The odometer reading at the last MOT in 2012 was 98,577 miles, so this Chevrolet has travelled an average of 1,792 miles per year in the time it has been on the road.
We have a total of 2 MOTs on record for this Chevrolet Belair beginning with its first recorded MOT in 2011. We can see 0 of these tests have been MOT failures - this means 524YUG has a 100% MOT pass rate!
Over its lifetime, this Chevrolet Belair has had 2 Advisories, 0 PRS Notices, 0 Minor, 0 Major, 0 Dangerous and 0 Fail comments in its MOT History.
This Chevrolet Belair is currently Taxed
and the Tax, or VED (Vehicle Excise Duty), is next due in 9 months on Wednesday 1st October 2025
524YUG MOT Comments
Tip: Read our guide on What These Advisory Notes Mean…