MOT Expired
No Tax Data

This 2004 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF has Passed 10 MOTs and Failed 5 times since 2007

The most recent MOT was PASSED at 148,517 miles 9 years ago on Monday 6th June 2016 at 11:30.

The last MOT expired 8 years ago on Sunday 11th June 2017.

CV04VFT MOT History

ResultMOT DateExpiry DateMileage
PASSED11TH JUNE 2017148,517 mi
FAILED6TH JUNE 2016148,512 mi
  1. FAIL - Supplementary Restraint System Warning Lamp Indicates A Fault (5.4.2)
  2. FAIL - Offside Coil Spring Broken (2.4.c.1a)
PASSED12TH JUNE 201511TH JUNE 2016140,108 mi
PASSED1ST MAY 20143RD MAY 2015140,058 mi
  1. ADVISORY - Offside Rear Coil Spring Corroded (2.4.c.1b)
  2. ADVISORY - Nearside Front Suspension Arm Rubber Bush Deteriorated But Not Resulting In Excessive Movement (2.4.g.2)
PASSED1ST MAY 20133RD MAY 2014128,148 mi
  1. ADVISORY - Nearside Front Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
  2. USER ENTERED - Child Seat Fitted Not Allowing Full Inspection Of Adult Belt
  3. USER ENTERED - Vehicle's Internal Headlight Adjuster Altered To Recheck Lights
FAILED1ST MAY 2013128,148 mi
  1. PRS - Nearside Rear Stop Lamp Not Working (1.2.1b)
  2. ADVISORY - Nearside Front Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
  3. USER ENTERED - Child Seat Fitted Not Allowing Full Inspection Of Adult Belt
  4. USER ENTERED - Vehicle's Internal Headlight Adjuster Altered To Recheck Lights
PASSED24TH APRIL 20123RD MAY 2013117,334 mi
  1. ADVISORY - Front Brake Disc Worn, Pitted Or Scored, But Not Seriously Weakened (3.5.1i)
  2. USER ENTERED - Rear No Plate Slighley Deterated
FAILED24TH APRIL 2012117,334 mi
  1. PRS - Front Windscreen Washer Provides Insufficient Washer Liquid (8.2.3)
  2. ADVISORY - Front Brake Disc Worn, Pitted Or Scored, But Not Seriously Weakened (3.5.1i)
  3. USER ENTERED - Rear No Plate Slighley Deterated
PASSED4TH MAY 20113RD MAY 2012106,352 mi
FAILED4TH MAY 2011106,352 mi
  1. FAIL - Front Brake Pad(s) Less Than 1.5 Mm Thick (3.5.1g)
  2. FAIL - Rear Brake Pad(s) Less Than 1.5 Mm Thick (3.5.1g)
PASSED4TH MAY 20103RD MAY 201191,823 mi
  1. ADVISORY - Rear Brake Pad(s) Wearing Thin (3.5.1g)
PASSED16TH APRIL 200928TH APRIL 201079,224 mi
  1. ADVISORY - Front Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
  2. ADVISORY - Offside Front Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
  3. ADVISORY - Offside Rear Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
FAILED16TH APRIL 200979,224 mi
  1. PRS - Offside Headlamp Not Working On Main Beam (1.7.5a)
  2. ADVISORY - Front Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
  3. ADVISORY - Offside Front Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
  4. ADVISORY - Offside Rear Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
PASSED25TH APRIL 200828TH APRIL 200965,353 mi
PASSED25TH APRIL 200728TH APRIL 200853,028 mi
ResultMOT DateExpiry DateMileage

CV04VFT Passed/Failed

MOT Pass Rate: 67% | MOT Failure Rate: 33%

CV04VFT MOT Comments

Tip: Read our guide on What These Advisory Notes Mean…

CV04VFT Mileage

Last recorded mileage: 148,517 miles | Average yearly mileage: 12,376 miles


This Volkswagen Golf with registration CV04VFT was manufactured on Wednesday 28th April 2004 so it is currently 21 years old. Its colour is Black and it has a 2 litre Diesel engine.

The odometer reading at the last MOT in 2016 was 148,517 miles, so this Volkswagen has travelled an average of 12,376 miles per year in the time it has been on the road.

We have a total of 15 MOTs on record for this Volkswagen Golf beginning with its first recorded MOT in 2007. We can see 5 of these tests have been MOT failures - this means CV04VFT has a 67% MOT pass rate!

Over its lifetime, this Volkswagen Golf has had 13 Advisories, 3 PRS Notices, 0 Minor, 0 Major, 0 Dangerous and 4 Fail comments in its MOT History.

Does CV04VFT have an active MOT?

No, as of Friday 17th January 2025 CV04VFT does not have an active MOT. The last MOT expired 8 years ago on Sunday 11th June 2017. Read more

Is CV04VFT Taxed?

Unfortunately no Tax data can be found for CV04VFT as of Friday 17th January 2025. Read more

When did CV04VFT have its most recent MOT?

The most recent MOT on record for CV04VFT was on Monday 6th June 2016 at 11:30. It Passed this MOT. Read more

How many times has CV04VFT Passed an MOT?

Out of a total of 15 MOTs on record for CV04VFT we can see 10 of these tests have been MOT Passes. Remember, digitised MOT records began in 2005 so MOT results prior to 2005 cannot be traced online. Read more

How many times has CV04VFT Failed an MOT?

Out of a total of 15 MOTs on record for CV04VFT we can see 5 of these tests have been MOT Failures. This means this vehicle has a 67% MOT pass rate! Read more

What Make and Model vehicle is CV04VFT?

CV04VFT is registered as a 2004 Volkswagen Golf. Read more

How many miles has CV04VFT done?

The odometer reading for CV04VFT at the last MOT in June 2016 was 148,517 miles. If the vehicle is still in use, it's likely the mileage has increased since then and up-to-date statistics will be provided at the next MOT. This vehicle has travelled an average of 12,376 miles per year. Read more

How old is CV04VFT?

The vehicle CV04VFT was manufactured in 2004 so it is currently 21 years old. It was first registered on Wednesday 28th April 2004. Read more

What colour is CV04VFT?

The official colour of CV04VFT is recorded as Black. Read more

What engine does CV04VFT have?

CV04VFT has a 2 litre Diesel engine. Read more

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