MOT Expired
No Tax Data

This 1999 LAND ROVER FREELANDER has Passed 3 MOTs and Failed 3 times since 2006

The most recent MOT was PASSED at 63,848 miles 17 years ago on Thursday 22nd May 2008 at 17:40.

The last MOT expired 16 years ago on Thursday 21st May 2009.

H9CKB MOT History

ResultMOT DateExpiry DateMileage
PASSED21ST MAY 200963,848 mi
  1. ADVISORY - Offside Rear Brake Pipe Slightly Corroded (3.6.b.2c)
  2. ADVISORY - Front Brake Pipe Slightly Corroded (3.6.b.2c)
  3. ADVISORY - Offside Front Brake Pipe Slightly Corroded (3.6.b.2c)
FAILED22ND MAY 200863,847 mi
  1. FAIL - Nearside Rear Braking System Leaking (3.6.a.1)
  2. ADVISORY - Offside Rear Brake Pipe Slightly Corroded (3.6.b.2c)
  3. ADVISORY - Brake Hydraulic Reservoir Fluid Close To Minimum Level (3.6.g.1b)
  4. ADVISORY - Front Brake Pipe Slightly Corroded (3.6.b.2c)
  5. ADVISORY - Offside Front Brake Pipe Slightly Corroded (3.6.b.2c)
PASSED15TH MAY 200714TH MAY 200855,574 mi
  1. ADVISORY - Front Brake Pipe Slightly Corroded (3.6.b.2c)
FAILED15TH MAY 200755,574 mi
  1. FAIL - Nearside Front Tyre Tread Depth Below Requirements Of 1.6mm (4.1.e.1)
  2. ADVISORY - Front Brake Pipe Slightly Corroded (3.6.b.2c)
  3. FAIL - Offside Track Rod End Ball Joint Has Excessive Play (2.2.b.1f)
  4. ADVISORY - Offside Front Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
PASSED11TH MAY 200610TH MAY 200749,986 mi
FAILED11TH MAY 200649,985 mi
  1. USER ENTERED - Unable To Check Inner Brake Pads
  2. ADVISORY - Exhaust Has Part Of The System Slightly Deteriorated (7.1.1a)
  3. USER ENTERED - Cracks On Both Tyre Sidewalls
  4. FAIL - Anti-Lock Braking System Warning Lamp Indicates An Abs Fault (3.4.1c)
ResultMOT DateExpiry DateMileage

H9CKB Passed/Failed

MOT Pass Rate: 50% | MOT Failure Rate: 50%

H9CKB MOT Comments

Tip: Read our guide on What These Advisory Notes Mean…

H9CKB Mileage

Last recorded mileage: 63,848 miles | Average yearly mileage: 7,094 miles


This Land Rover Freelander with registration H9CKB was manufactured on Wednesday 22nd December 1999 so it is currently 25 years old. Its colour is Green and it has a 1.8 litre Petrol engine.

The odometer reading at the last MOT in 2008 was 63,848 miles, so this Land Rover has travelled an average of 7,094 miles per year in the time it has been on the road.

We have a total of 6 MOTs on record for this Land Rover Freelander beginning with its first recorded MOT in 2006. We can see 3 of these tests have been MOT failures - this means H9CKB has a 50% MOT pass rate!

Over its lifetime, this Land Rover Freelander has had 11 Advisories, 0 PRS Notices, 0 Minor, 0 Major, 0 Dangerous and 4 Fail comments in its MOT History.

Does H9CKB have an active MOT?

No, as of Friday 17th January 2025 H9CKB does not have an active MOT. The last MOT expired 16 years ago on Thursday 21st May 2009. Read more

Is H9CKB Taxed?

Unfortunately no Tax data can be found for H9CKB as of Friday 17th January 2025. Read more

When did H9CKB have its most recent MOT?

The most recent MOT on record for H9CKB was on Thursday 22nd May 2008 at 17:40. It Passed this MOT. Read more

How many times has H9CKB Passed an MOT?

Out of a total of 6 MOTs on record for H9CKB we can see 3 of these tests have been MOT Passes. Remember, digitised MOT records began in 2005 so MOT results prior to 2005 cannot be traced online. Read more

How many times has H9CKB Failed an MOT?

Out of a total of 6 MOTs on record for H9CKB we can see 3 of these tests have been MOT Failures. This means this vehicle has a 50% MOT pass rate! Read more

What Make and Model vehicle is H9CKB?

H9CKB is registered as a 1999 Land Rover Freelander. Read more

How many miles has H9CKB done?

The odometer reading for H9CKB at the last MOT in May 2008 was 63,848 miles. If the vehicle is still in use, it's likely the mileage has increased since then and up-to-date statistics will be provided at the next MOT. This vehicle has travelled an average of 7,094 miles per year. Read more

How old is H9CKB?

The vehicle H9CKB was manufactured in 1999 so it is currently 25 years old. It was first registered on Wednesday 22nd December 1999. Read more

What colour is H9CKB?

The official colour of H9CKB is recorded as Green. Read more

What engine does H9CKB have?

H9CKB has a 1.8 litre Petrol engine. Read more

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