MOT Expired
No Tax Data

This 2003 FORD FIESTA has Passed 14 MOTs and Failed 5 times since 2006

The most recent MOT was FAILED at 132,392 miles 4 years ago on Monday 2nd November 2020 at 15:45.

The last MOT expired 4 years ago on Sunday 1st November 2020.

MA53KMG MOT History

ResultMOT DateExpiry DateMileage
FAILED132,392 mi
  1. MAJOR - Offside Rear Service Brake Effort Inadequate At A Wheel (1.2.1 (a) (i))
  2. ADVISORY - Vehicles Internal Headlight Adjuster Altered To Recheck Lights ()
  3. ADVISORY - Both Front Seats Don't Fold
  4. MAJOR - Nearside Front Position Lamp Not Working (4.2.1 (a) (ii))
  5. ADVISORY - Front Brake Pad(s) Wearing Thin (1.1.13 (a) (ii))
  6. ADVISORY - Heat Shield Loose
  7. MAJOR - Offside Rear Brake Pipe Excessively Corroded Front To Back (1.1.11 (c))
  8. MAJOR - Nearside Rear Service Brake Effort Inadequate At A Wheel (1.2.1 (a) (i))
  9. MAJOR - Offside Rear Wheel Bearing Rough When Rotated (5.1.3 (b) (i))
  10. ADVISORY - Offside Front Tyre Bald Inner Edge
  11. MAJOR - Nearside Rear Brake Pipe Excessively Corroded Front To Back (1.1.11 (c))
  12. ADVISORY - Nearside Front Tyre Worn Close To Legal Limit/worn On Edge 2mm And Bald Inner Edge (5.2.3 (e))
  13. MAJOR - Offside Front Brake Disc Significantly And Obviously Worn Inner Face (1.1.14 (a) (i))
PASSED29TH APRIL 20191ST NOVEMBER 2020116,890 mi
  1. ADVISORY - Offside Rear Coil Spring Corroded (5.3.1 (b) (i))
  2. ADVISORY - Nearside Rear Brake Pipe Corroded, Covered In Grease Or Other Material (1.1.11 (c))
  3. ADVISORY - Nearside Rear Coil Spring Corroded (5.3.1 (b) (i))
  4. ADVISORY - Rear Exhaust Shield Loose
  5. ADVISORY - Exhaust Has A Minor Leak Of Exhaust Gases Rear Joint (6.1.2 (a))
  6. ADVISORY - Front Brake Disc Worn, Pitted Or Scored, But Not Seriously Weakened (1.1.14 (a) (ii))
  7. ADVISORY - Offside Rear Brake Pipe Corroded, Covered In Grease Or Other Material (1.1.11 (c))
PASSED2ND MAY 20181ST MAY 2019107,534 mi
  1. ADVISORY - Nearside Front Brake Disc Worn, Pitted Or Scored, But Not Seriously Weakened (3.5.1i)
  2. ADVISORY - Offside Front Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
  3. ADVISORY - Offside Front Brake Disc Worn, Pitted Or Scored, But Not Seriously Weakened (3.5.1i)
  4. ADVISORY - Nearside Front Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
PASSED8TH APRIL 201711TH APRIL 2018101,683 mi
FAILED8TH APRIL 2017101,683 mi
  1. FAIL - Rear Brakes Imbalanced Across An Axle Axle 2 (3.7.b.5b)
  2. FAIL - Offside Stop Lamp Not Working (1.2.1b)
  3. FAIL - Offside Front Track Rod End Ball Joint Has Excessive Play (2.2.b.1f)
PASSED5TH APRIL 201611TH APRIL 201794,993 mi
FAILED5TH APRIL 201694,993 mi
  1. FAIL - Nearside Front Track Rod End Ball Joint Has Excessive Play (2.2.b.1f)
PASSED9TH APRIL 201511TH APRIL 201687,083 mi
  1. ADVISORY - Front Direction Indicator Slightly Discoloured (1.4.a.2f)
  2. USER ENTERED - Rear Body/exhaust Heatshield Insecure
  3. USER ENTERED - Nearside Rear Wheel Bearing Rumble Sound When Rotated
PASSED29TH MARCH 201411TH APRIL 201578,053 mi
  1. USER ENTERED - Rear Exhaust Heatshield Loose
FAILED29TH MARCH 201478,053 mi
  1. USER ENTERED - Rear Exhaust Heatshield Loose
  2. PRS - Offside Headlamp Aim Too Low (1.8)
PASSED27TH MARCH 201311TH APRIL 201470,842 mi
FAILED27TH MARCH 201370,842 mi
  1. PRS - Nearside Rear Tyre Tread Depth Below Requirements Of 1.6mm (4.1.e.1)
  2. PRS - Offside Rear Tyre Tread Depth Below Requirements Of 1.6mm (4.1.e.1)
PASSED30TH MARCH 201211TH APRIL 201365,093 mi
  1. ADVISORY - Nearside Rear Tyre Worn Close To The Legal Limit (4.1.e.1)
  2. USER ENTERED - Oil Leak On Engine
PASSED9TH APRIL 201111TH APRIL 201259,910 mi
  1. USER ENTERED - Front Discs Scored On Inner Faces
  2. USER ENTERED - Front Pads Low
PASSED12TH APRIL 201011TH APRIL 201152,895 mi
ResultMOT DateExpiry DateMileage

MA53KMG Passed/Failed

MOT Pass Rate: 74% | MOT Failure Rate: 26%

MA53KMG MOT Comments

Tip: Read our guide on What These Advisory Notes Mean…

MA53KMG Mileage

Last recorded mileage: 132,392 miles | Average yearly mileage: 7,788 miles


This Ford Fiesta with registration MA53KMG was manufactured on Friday 19th September 2003 so it is currently 21 years old. Its colour is Black and it has a 1.4 litre Petrol engine.

The odometer reading at the last MOT in 2020 was 132,392 miles, so this Ford has travelled an average of 7,788 miles per year in the time it has been on the road.

We have a total of 19 MOTs on record for this Ford Fiesta beginning with its first recorded MOT in 2006. We can see 5 of these tests have been MOT failures - this means MA53KMG has a 74% MOT pass rate!

Over its lifetime, this Ford Fiesta has had 19 Advisories, 3 PRS Notices, 0 Minor, 7 Major, 0 Dangerous and 4 Fail comments in its MOT History.

Does MA53KMG have an active MOT?

No, as of Friday 17th January 2025 MA53KMG does not have an active MOT. The last MOT expired 4 years ago on Sunday 1st November 2020. Read more

Is MA53KMG Taxed?

Unfortunately no Tax data can be found for MA53KMG as of Friday 17th January 2025. Read more

When did MA53KMG have its most recent MOT?

The most recent MOT on record for MA53KMG was on Monday 2nd November 2020 at 15:45. It Failed this MOT. Read more

How many times has MA53KMG Passed an MOT?

Out of a total of 19 MOTs on record for MA53KMG we can see 14 of these tests have been MOT Passes. Remember, digitised MOT records began in 2005 so MOT results prior to 2005 cannot be traced online. Read more

How many times has MA53KMG Failed an MOT?

Out of a total of 19 MOTs on record for MA53KMG we can see 5 of these tests have been MOT Failures. This means this vehicle has a 74% MOT pass rate! Read more

What Make and Model vehicle is MA53KMG?

MA53KMG is registered as a 2003 Ford Fiesta. Read more

How many miles has MA53KMG done?

The odometer reading for MA53KMG at the last MOT in November 2020 was 132,392 miles. If the vehicle is still in use, it's likely the mileage has increased since then and up-to-date statistics will be provided at the next MOT. This vehicle has travelled an average of 7,788 miles per year. Read more

How old is MA53KMG?

The vehicle MA53KMG was manufactured in 2003 so it is currently 21 years old. It was first registered on Friday 19th September 2003. Read more

What colour is MA53KMG?

The official colour of MA53KMG is recorded as Black. Read more

What engine does MA53KMG have?

MA53KMG has a 1.4 litre Petrol engine. Read more